«Auxiliar Gastronómico»
Bandera de la República de Cuba

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Auxiliar Gastronómico
Primera Parte
Segunda Parte
Tercera Parte
Cuarta Parte

Eighth Lesson
Primera Parte
Auxiliar Gastronómico II Edición
Libros de Cuba

Esta es la “Eighth Lesson”, o Lección Octava, del diccionario gastronómico del español al inglés tal y como aparece en la “Primera Parte” del libro “Auxiliar Gastronómico: II Edición” editado en La Habana, Cuba. Tratamos de mantener el formato original. Presentamos el texto lo más fiel posible a como aparece en el libro, efectuando menores arreglos en la acentuación y ortografía tratando de no alterar el estilo original.

HerejiarAquí o acá.
TherezéarAhí o allí.
Where is he?juéar is ji¿Dónde está él?
He is hereJi is jiarEl está aquí.
He is not hereji is no jiarEl no está aquí.
Where are they?juéar ar zéi¿Dónde están ellos?
They are herezéi ar liarEllos están aquí.
They are not herezéi ar not jiarEllos no están aquí.
Where are the trays?.juéar ar zi tréis¿Dónde están las ban­dejas?
Over thereover zéarAllá o sobre allá.
Where are you going?juéar ar yu góin¿Dónde vas? o ¿dónde va Ud. o Uds.?
OnonEncima o sobre.
On the tableon zi téibolEncima la mesa.
On the bedon zi bedSobre la cama.
On the flooron zi flóorEn el suelo o piso.
IninEn, dentro.
In the dining-roomin zi dáinin rumEn el comedor.
In the drawerin zi dróorEn la gaveta o cajón.
In the kitchenin zi kichenEn la cocina.
UnderónderDebajo o abajo.
Under the bedónder zi bedDebajo la cama.
Under a treeónder e triDebajo un árbol.
Under the tableónder zi tébolDebajo la mesa.
I am going homeai am goin jomVoy para casa.
I am going to workai am goin tu uorkVoy a trabajar.
I am going to eatai am goin to iitVoy a comer.
Cat. Dogcat. dogGato. Perro.


“Where are you going? I am going home, and he is going to Marianao beach.
Where is he going? He is going to eat, and she is going home.
Where is the headwaiter? He is in the dining-room.
Where is the boss? He is in his room.
Where is the general manager? The general manager is in the office.
Where are the wine glasses? The wine glasses are on that side­board, and the wine is here in this wine cooler getting cool.
Where are my gloves? Your gloves are not here. Your gloves are on that table over there.
Where are my shoes? Your shoes are under the table and your trousers are on this chair.
The fruit is in the ice-box; the newspaper is on the table.
Your shoes are under the bed, and your trousers are on the chair.
The cat is under the bed, and the dog is on the bed.
The boss is on the second floor, and the headwaiter is in his room.”

Learn by heart these substitutions:

“Where are you going? I am going
to work.
to Marianao.
to school.”

“Where is she going? She is going
to the theatre.
to his sister's house.”

“Where is he going? He is going
to the movies.
to school.”

“Where are you going? We are going home.”

“Where are they going? They are going shopping.”

50 51 52
Fifty Fifty-one Fifty-two
(fifti) (fifti-uan) (fifti-tu)

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